Hello everybody! Its me George the monkey again. I can’t believe that the summer is nearly over, it went soooo fast. I really enjoyed seeing all you children visiting me.
There is still lots going on these days, we got more new pups. There are so cute and small, like little balls of fluff.
And I heard there was baby rabbits born last week. Did you know that when rabbits are born they are tiny and pink with no hair at all and their eyes are closed until they are two weeks old. They look so weird!!!
We still have the whole month of September left on the farm but I have heard talk of Halloween already. I think they have started building the scary maze for Willow the witch. Its probably better to keep on the good side of that one, she could turn you in to a monkey like me!! Ha Ha! That would be funny!!!
Well I’ll talk to ye all again soon with another update, bye!